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Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Pokhara valley is situated at an altitude of 827 meters above the sea level and is 200 kilometers west of Kathmandu valley. Prithivi Raj Marga is the highway linked with by Bhairahawa by Siddhartha Raj Marga [Sunauli border] It is a combination of the long arrays of world famous snow clad peaks, emerald lakes, turbulent rivers with deep Georges and picturesque villages inhabited by Magar, Gurungs and Thakalis. Pokhara offers the magnificent views of Dhaulagiri, Manaslu, Machhapuchhare, five peaks of Annapurna  Himalayas and others.
Pokhara numerous lakes known as "Tal" in Nepal offer fishing, boating and swimming, which ensure the famous Phewa, Begnas and Rupa lakes of Pokhara. Pokhara is also referred as the center of adventure. It is the starting point for most of the popular trekking & rafting destination.

  • Phewa lake is situated at an altitude of 784m above sea level with an island temple at the middle of the lake. It is second largest lake in the kingdom. Temple situated at the island is the two storied pagoda dedicated to the boar magnification of Ajima. 
  • Begnas & Rupa Lake: lies in the northeast of the Pokhara valley at the distance of 13kms from the main city. These lakes are locates at the foothill of Begnas.
  • Devi's fall: locally known Patale Chhango in the southern flank of the Pokhara valley is where the stream flowing from Fewa Lake collapses and surges down the rock into a deep gage, leaping through several potholes. 
  • Mahendra cave: lies at the north of the Pokhara valley. It is a large limestone cave, which is one of the few stalagmite stalactite caves found in Nepal. 

  • Barahi Temple: This is the most important religious monument in Pokhara. Built almost in the middle of Phewa Lake, this two-storied pagoda is dedicated to the boar manifestation of Ajima, the protectors deity representing the female force Shakti. Devotees can be seen, especially on Saturday, carrying male animals and fowl across the lake to be sacrificed to the deity. 
  • Bindhyabasini Temple: is the center of religious activity in the old bazaar. It is dedicated to Goddess Bhagawati, yet another manifestation of Shakti. 
  • World Peace Pagoda a massive Buddhist Stupa is situated on top of a hill on the southern shore of Phewa Lake. Besides being an impressive sight in itself, the shrine is a great vantage point which offers spectacular views of the Annapurna range and Pokhara city. etc are some examples

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