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Tuesday, September 4, 2012


                 Nepal is a land lock country with an area of 147,181 sq.m lies to east to west in between 2 giant country China and India. It is a rectanglar of 885km in an average east to west of 160km from North to South it is the small country in size and huge in terms of its diversity from Higest pick of the earth to the low land of Terai. It have the higest pick on the earth,Mt Everest of 8848 m and low land of 65m of Terai above the sea level .So it is also known as the Stepest country at the  world.
         The People,Rich cultural heritage towering Pagados , Spectacular himalayan ranges, different people and tradition ,cultural festival which helps to play a important role in recommending Nepal as an ultimate destination as an elevation wise Nepal can be divided in to 3 different parts 
 1) Himalayan region .
 2) Mid hilly region .
 3) Terai region .


               885km long Himalayan region from east to the west in the average of 25 km to 50 km. forms the boarder with china to the northern part of Nepal . lying above 2500m this region covers nearly 30% of total area of Nepal.
Features of Himalayan region :-
  • This region includes 1300 pick above 6000m.
  • It contains 8 out of 10 higest mountains of the world they are Mt.Everest , Kanchanjunga , Lhoste , Makalu, Choyu, Dhaulagiri , Manaslu , Annapurna
  • Not only the higest mountain of himalayan but also most impressive mountain such as Amadablum, pumori ,Gauri shankar , Dorge lakpa , Appi , Machapuchree etc are in these region.some are the beautiful lakes such as Rara lake, Gosai kunda, Dudh pokhari , Panch pokhari ,Tillicho (located at 5099m) the lake situated in higest altitude (elevation of world).
  • Khaptad National park , Rara National park , Lantang , Sagarmatha & Kanchanjunga National park are located in this region
  • Kunchanjunga conservation area , Makalu , Barun ,Manaslu & Annapurna conservation area are located in this area.
  • The deepest george of the world such as Kali gundagi , Rain shadow , Mustang are some of the example f geographic extreme with a limited area. 
  • Many popular religous place like Goshaikunda , Dudh pokhari , Muktinath , panch pokhari are located here.
  • In dangered animals like snow leopard , musk dear, black bear, tibetian sheep, birds like danfee & kalich &other 32 species. Out of 35 species of rodondandrous found in the world are found in the region.
            >MID HILLY REGION 
                       Mid hilly region of nepal cover about 45% total length area of the country with & average elevation of above 600m to 2500m. this region is the richest region in terms of culture ,art , hand crafts ,manship . Most of the valleys found in region are culturally rich, deep valley might river ,impressive terrace ,spectacular mountain views, breath taking beauty of plants and animal etc have made this region & amazing part of world .
            The northen part of this region shares boarder with himalayan region and the southern part shares  boarder with terai region the vegetation in the upper (northen) part of this region are similar to the alpine and vegetation found in the southern part are sub tropical.

Features of Mid hilly region :-

  • It is the most population region. More than 45% of total people of Nepal are living in this region.
  • This region is popular for  Art, culture ,arts , hand crafts , manship.etc
  • Kathmandu Capital city of Nepal also lies in this region.
  • Most of famous city of Nepal such as Pokhara, Patan , Bhaktapur , Kritipur also lies in this region.etc
  • Swyambunath, Boudhanath , Namo buddha ,Pashupatinath , changunarayan are some of the famous piligrimas and religious place of this region.

                              The average elevation of 100 m to 600 m elevation across the south is the plain region of Nepal known as Terai ,the average breadth is 25 to 35km this region shares the Northen border with Mid hilly region of Nepal & southern part with India ,35% of the total population of Nepal live in this region famous for agricultural product with & paddy and cash crops like Mustard , Joot, tobacco & sugar cane etc. 
                       The people who follow different religous such as Hindusm,Buddhism ,Christian ,Muslims are found in this region. Indo-aryan like Brahmin, Chhetri , Raj baunshi ,Shah ,Mushar , Kammi ,Damai & Tibeto-Burman such as Gurung ,Magar ,Rai ,Limbu,Tamang Sherpa are found in this region
 Feature of Terai region :-
  • This region is famous for argiculture, it is also known as granary of nepal.
  • Mustard , Joot , tobacco ,& sugarcane are some of the cash crops of this region.
  • Places like lumbini where Lord sidhartha gautam buddha was born.
  • 35% of total people of Nepal live in this region.
  • Most of this people are involved in Agriculture . 

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